Saturday, December 13, 2008


And (one of) the new favorite movie(s) is(are)... Waitress, starring the talented Kerri Russell as we follow her for mainly nine months.

Recently I have grown very fond of 'memoir' type movies such as Little Miss Sunshine, Love Actually, and The Family Stone, and now Waitress. There is just something about this genre that appeals to me. It seems real. Each to his own but, I don't find that I gain really anything from watching action movies or science fiction for that matter, because nine times out of ten, the scenarios in those movies will never, ever happen personally to me. I like to learn and from these memoirs, I learn about life.

Watch it. I know you'll love it.

SPOILER: Though it ended differently then I expected, I didn't mind. It could have been her plan 'B' or even her plan 'A' but she went with it. Between the lines were some serious serendipity moments.

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