Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let's uh.... fight? or dance????

Is it weird that I think this picture is funny? I really think it is!! These are two wrestlers who actually, in fact ended up dancing for a brief mila-second. And somehow a photographer was able to capture that brief mila-second. Cool huh?

Well it makes me laugh! Does it make you laugh? or smile, or even just a little chuckle? Come on, I know you've got it in you.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

B is for Bianca!

After one of the most stressful weeks of my life, the cast list for Shakespeare went up. Ladies and gentlemen, you are reading the words typed by, (drum roll please)...... Bianca!!!! I am very happy. I have never done Shakespeare before and this is a pretty good first role. :) However, the hard part is yet to come. Can you believe that???? I don't know what to do with myself!
I think the hardest part will be my nerves. I'm not very good with nerves. And most times when I get nervous, I forget my lines. So this may be interesting...

Just a reminder: Serendipity is good fortune; luck. It will come... in time. But it will come.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


And (one of) the new favorite movie(s) is(are)... Waitress, starring the talented Kerri Russell as we follow her for mainly nine months.

Recently I have grown very fond of 'memoir' type movies such as Little Miss Sunshine, Love Actually, and The Family Stone, and now Waitress. There is just something about this genre that appeals to me. It seems real. Each to his own but, I don't find that I gain really anything from watching action movies or science fiction for that matter, because nine times out of ten, the scenarios in those movies will never, ever happen personally to me. I like to learn and from these memoirs, I learn about life.

Watch it. I know you'll love it.

SPOILER: Though it ended differently then I expected, I didn't mind. It could have been her plan 'B' or even her plan 'A' but she went with it. Between the lines were some serious serendipity moments.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh boy....

Oh boy.... I'm going to dive right in it. So there is a girl in my German class and Swim class who I have never liked. She is emo and scary and she thinks she is sooooo cool. Well as I said earlier, I never liked her. Well today, I find out that her sister is also in our swim class. "Why don't they ever talk?" I asked. "Well Shannon," -the girl, "moved out of the house." my friend told me. "So she lives on her own?" I said. "Yep." was the reply.

Wow. Great job Alex! I feel very bad. I didn't even give Shannon a chance. I automatically labeled her when I had no right and no knowledge about her. What I did was wrong and I will never do it again.

So Shannon, if someday, somewhere you come upon this, I am sorry. I hope you couldn't tell that I didn't like you but I hope you could tell that I became a friend. (which is the plan... and if not a friend then at least a friendly smile or even a hello.)

My Serendipity had it's comeuppance today. I hope it will return soon.

Pet Peeves

1. Clipping your fingernails (DESIGNATED AREAS PEOPLE!)
2. Filing your fingernails (This is one of the worst sounds in the world)
3. Counting off-beat (I don't even know what to say about this one...)
4. Juicy kisses (I'm not a touchey feeley person. A short and sweet kiss on the cheek would be great. Thanks)
5. A rub on the head (I'm not a puppy)
6. Bad breath (There is solution: -brush your teeth -gum -listerine spray -don't talk or yawn!)
7. Sleep in your eye (Most disgusting thing.... EVER!)
8. Eating too much (I hate feeling stuffed)
9. Eating too little (I hate being hungry)
10. People who work non-stop and don't take a break. (Well, this isn't exactly a pet peeve. I just feel bad for them! I wish they would allow themselves a break.)
11. People who exercise (This only bothers me because they are doing more than I do just by making the attempt! HAHA!)
12. Forcing people to finish their food. (Hellooooo! What if we're not hungry??? Food does NOT equal love)
13. Know-it-all's (Keep it to yourself... pretty please)
14. People who act dumb. (This is different then not-so-smart people. I'm talking about the people who I know are intelligent but refuse to act it. Now that is dumb.)
15. Those who think they are too cool for others (This. really. bugs. me.)
16. People who laugh at the popular kid's jokes just because they're popular (Does this make sense? I laugh at dumb jokes because I am just like that and my sense of humor is quirky. But that's not what I'm implying. I mean those who will do ANYTHING to be popular and go as far (or as short in some cases...) as laughing at their every word.)
17. "I'm so fat!" (Shut the freakin heck up! In the nicest possible way of course. Love yourself! Love others. Don't Worry! Be happy!!!!)
18. Shallow males (Hey you! Yah you! I'm talking to you! (Whoever you are-) If you make a girl feel bad about herself in any way, whether you tell her she's fat, take advantage of her, or even ignore her when she's nice to you or something of that sort, then you need to change... NOW! Women are powerful but you hold us back when you are unkind. Shame, Shame, Shame.)
19. Body Odor (Of any kind. I have a very strong nose and so I can smell anything.... ANYTHING!)
20. Bands breaking (Especially when you are trying to get a hair-do just right and it snaps!)
21. People who talk under their breath (Say it loud and proud people, loud and proud)
22. Clingers (aka Clingy people. Being independent can be scary, but it also can be achieved)
23. Liars... on purpose (Don't snaz it up, just say it. If it's not very cool, either don't say it or tell it just how it is. Anything can be cool if you're animated.)
24. Monotone people. (Animation is the answer.)
25. Two faced people. (Be one person, don't change your mind... NO Harvey Dent's allowed)
26. Personal Space is NOT overrated. (Give it to people. Don't with hold it. They will appreciate it.)
27. Twitterpated girls (Twitterpation is not the same as love, and even if it was, does it give you an excuse for that to be the only thing you talk about??????? There has to be more in your vocabulary then he, cute, and flawless. I can assure you that he is not cute and has flaws. Wow. Go figure that. )
28. Scowls (It's not a very nice feeling to be scowled at. 'What did I ever do to you?' But if you are in the middle of a fight, work it out or be mature.)
29. Someone who has 29 pet peeves

Well that's a lot of pet peeves. But sometimes I can't take it any more. I just can't... Hopefully with some serendipity perhaps one day I may be able to ignore my pet peeves.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fat Cat!!!!!

Hello there! I just wanted to let my followers... well follower. (thanks Dad!) that I have not quit. I have just been super busy!

So why do I have a picture of an obese cat on my blog? Well get this: It's a fat cat! hahahaha. Isn't that funny?

Hmmmmmmmm... maybe not. Well I think it's cool and I hope you do too!

Serendipity all around!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Holy Stress. Yesterday my school's football team went to state playoffs and boy, was it a close game!!!! I was not able to physically be at the game but I was there in spirit. (I watched it on TV) The plan was to do homework on the couch while occasionally noticing the TV just to check the score. Well that didn't happen... at all! As soon as I turned it on I was hooked. In order for you to feel the intensity I felt, I feel you must know a little about my school's undefeated team. The quarterback, Morgan Walkie, is probably one of the most concentrated quarterbacks I have ever seen. Does that make sense? He is so determined and thoughtful about every play and every action he takes. I wish I was that motivated! Now where football is concerned, I am stupid and so I don't know the positions of everyone but I will try my best and guess about the rest. So there's one guy named Gene Tail who was on fire yesterday! He was mentioned constantly by the commentators. He was also the player of the game according to the TV channel I was watching. There are twins, Mason and Taylor who are phenomenal, and also one kid who was in one of my classes last year who was so polite-- he is THE definition of a gentleman. His name is Jonah. Am I forgetting anyone? Oh yah! Cal, Eric, and this kid who goes by only one letter: Z. (I would tell you what it stands for but it's Polynesian and therefor I would slaughter the spelling.) Well so my sister Rose is friends with them, therefor I feel that I am friends, ok I am acquaintances with them at least. (Some more acquaintance-ish than others.) So, here's the thing. It was so hard to see them get tackled because I know them. I have met them, we have been in the same room together before. It was painful to watch. So in all my years at this high school, we have never lost a game (as mentioned above) or really even come close. Last week at semi's was the closest I have experienced but I didn't personally experience it because I didn't go or watch it. Well, during the second quarter the team who we were playing, Linentree, scored not once but twice. So yes we were tied. I was stunned. This doesn't happen to my school! Halftime was a sad time. I just felt all the energy rush out from me and it didn't help that the commentators were making all sorts of comments about how Linentree could 'very well win this.' No need to show a bias! Well third quarter FINALLY came and Linentree scored again. They were ahead. They were winning. Weirdest feeling ever! So I forget all the details, but during a punt by Linentree, Z blocks it and we get the ball and somehow we score. Blessed day!!!!! The energy rushed back into my soul and for thirty minutes, I was dancing in the TV room. So I am a little fuzzy on the exact details but someway or another we scored again... but we missed the kick. So we were up 34-28. It was scary though because the game was almost finished and if Linentree made a touchdown and made the kick (which is normally just a given) we would not be tied. They would be ONE point ahead. Winning by one point, when you are on the loser's side sucks. Yes, it does stink and makes you very nervous and rather fidgety as in my case. Somehow the clock ran out and we were victorious!!! Ladies and gentlemen, my team, my acquaintances were happy winners. That's a very fulfilling feeling. After my victory dance around the house, I watched my favorite TV shows in glee. And if you ask me? That was a very serendipityious night.