Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama 08'

Yesterday in US History we were talking about the presidential elections that happened earlier this week. Ladies and gentlemen, Senator Obama was elected. I believe a congratulations is in order, whether or not I supported him. But that's just it; I didn't really investigate any of the candidates policies and got into the mind set that whatever was going to happen, was going to happen. However, we watched a clip from, "The View" and it really hit me. It was beautiful and I like beautiful. It was something that made me wish I was able to vote, and whether it would have been for John McCain or Barrack Obama, I don't know because I never took the initiative but I am pleased with the results. Whoopi Goldberg said, "I was finally able to put my suitcase down." She said that she has always considered herself an American but now that there is an African American president, she can be at peace because of this new accomplishment in the history of America. There is also a woman on the view named Elizabeth. Apparently (though I am no 'View' expert-) she had been routing for John McCain all elections and as Whoopi Goldberg said, "All eyes are on you today." She was gracious- something many American's have been forgetting these past few days. She said, "No one lost today... Though I was not the first I will get in line for Barrack Obama and support him." Seriously, that is our civic duty. It was America vs. America. Not left or right. I wish more people could read this so that this could convince them that we are not doomed. We are only doomed if we think we are.

For all the McCain supporters: I am sorry John McCain did not win. However, let us follow his example and support President-elect Obama. He is THE president of the United States. We cannot change the outcome for four years. Do not make this a miserable time for yourselves. Don't bash on President-elect Obama like we have on President Bush. Being the president can NOT be an easy job.

For all the Obama supporters: Congratulations. This is monumental. However, (there is always a however-) be humble but more importantly be cautious. Take your time. Yes this is incredible for mankind but let us not get big-headed about the situation and in turn, get us into trouble.

I'm sorry his was not a light post, but it is how I feel and the message I wish to get across to the world. I pray you may encounter serendipity as soon as it is ready to find you.

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