Monday, November 3, 2008


In The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, there is a song called Pandemonium. Until today I have simply listened to the song and enjoyed it but never have I really pondered it. In the song it is complaining about how some contestants get easy words, such as telephone or hospital while others get super duper hard ones like staphylococcus (which is in fact not a house for locusts) or antediluvian (which really is pertaining to the time before the flood). Anyways! I looked up the word 'pandemonium' on Do you want to know what it said? Well I will tell you:

1.wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.
2.a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos.
3.(often initial capital letter) the abode of all the demons.

Well, let's just ignore the third one because I'm not into that kind of stuff but do pay attention to the first two. I feel that recently, many, if not all our lives have been affected in some way in which we have slipped into pandemonium. (Can you slip into pandemonium? Well I guess you can now.) Surely not utter chaos but definitely confusion and at least a little disorder. I am not pointing fingers at ANYONE, but what is the United States going to be like in 50 years? Or how about the entire world? It will (mostly) be on the hands of the next generation but what can we do to make it easier for them? How can WE relieve the world of some of it's pressures?

WOW! I did not mean for my blog (especially on my first entry) to be one full of political views and such- (though tomorrow I do find out the next president of the United States for four years-) and yet it did. Which only leads me to believe that since I wrote without plan or agenda, perhaps I am concerned about this political stuff.

May you be blessed with serendipity. (good fortune; luck)

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